List of Amazon Sellers

List of Amazon Sellers

Get actionable intelligence on 37,635 Amazon sellers - merchants who sell on the Amazon marketplace. We track online sellers across marketplaces and identify prospecting-worthy merchants for your research, marketing and sales needs.

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37,635 stores

Download a list of 37,635 websites that use Amazon sellers:

Store Name Alexa Category Country
Msn 59 Other United States of America
ROBLOCK 99 Automotive,Vehicle United States of America
IKEA GLOBAL 225 Luggage & Travel Gear,Magazine Subscriptions United Kingdom
Goat, Wolf, & Cabbage 232 Games,Toys United States of America
mandrill 370 Sports & Outdoors United States of America
A C A M E D I A 385 Books United States of America
BuzzFeed Inc 578 Men,Women,Clothing United States of America
RAKUTEN 587 Health Care United States of America
Lenovo 607 Books United States of America
National Basketball Association 608 Books United States of America
Alicoco 692 Beauty,Personal Care United States of America
Delta 766 Home,Tools & Home Improvement United States of America
BANDC 777 Automotive,Vehicle United States of America
Sky 979 Industrial United States of America
Brave 1,025 Men,Women,Clothing,Shoes,Jewellery United States of America

View all 37,635 ecommerce stores from this segment.

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Get actionable intelligence on 37,635 Amazon sellers - merchants who sell on the Amazon marketplace. We track online sellers across marketplaces and identify prospecting-worthy merchants for your research, marketing and sales needs.

We have curated a list of 37,635 Amazon sellers with a 10 steps verification process to identify merchants and stores who sell on Amazon marketplaces. We identify sellers across all categories but weed out the ones where no company information is available. What you get is clean and actionable database of Amazon Sellers who may be apt for your products and services.

CartInsights delivers the highest quality database of online sellers across marketplaces and is the #1 source of this data.

You can create a free CartInsight account and get access to the full list of Amazon sellers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find Amazon sellers?

Finding an Amazon seller can be accomplished through various methods. One way is to look on a product listing under the product title for a hyperlink in blue that highlights the store's name, which leads to the storefront's page displaying all products sold by that store. Another method involves using the Amazon search bar by typing in the seller's name, which should bring up a list of their products. For more detailed research, Amazon seller directories like or AMZ Seller Directory offer lists of top sellers globally. Tools such as Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and AMZScout can also provide detailed information on sellers, including sales data and analytics.

How many sellers are listed on Amazon?

There are over 9.7 million sellers across the Amazon platform, which includes a mix of third-party sellers, brands, and other merchants.

What is the most selling product on Amazon?

The most selling product on Amazon varies over time due to trends, seasons, and consumer demand. It can range from electronics to books, and personal care items. Amazon's Best Sellers page provides real-time updates on top-selling products across various categories.

Is Amazon or Walmart more popular?

The popularity of Amazon vs. Walmart depends on various factors, including geographic location, product categories, and shopping preferences. Amazon is known for its vast online presence and convenience, while Walmart has a significant physical and online footprint. Market share and consumer surveys can provide insights into their popularity in specific segments.

What to expect from the Amazon Sellers list?

Expectations from the Amazon Sellers list would include detailed information on Amazon sellers, such as seller names, product categories, ratings, and performance metrics. This could be valuable for market research, competitive analysis, and finding potential suppliers or partners. Note that specific features and data availability would depend on's offerings and subscription plans.

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