Top 7 Ways to Generate Organic Logistics Leads and Grow Your Business

Top 7 Ways to Generate Organic Logistics Leads and Grow Your Business

Logistics is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally. In 2017, it was worth $7,641.20 billion, and by 2027, it is expected to reach $12,975.64 billion. The average CAGR is projected at 6.5% between 2020 and 2027. 

Getting logistics leads can be crucial for your business's success - but it's easier said than done. If you want your company to be consistently profitable, you need to create a master plan to generate leads consistently and grow your business.

This article contains a step-by-step guide to creating a robust plan for generating organic logistics leads and scaling up your business.

7 Ways to Generate Logistics Leads and Grow Your Business

1. Create a Formal Structure of the Sales Process

All unique business ideas that made millions have one thing in common - they have a time-tested and functional sales process. Any high-quality sales process is automated, scalable, and tangible. You get several benefits with a well-defined sales process, such as your sales executives become more accountable, they get more sales opportunities, and your business earns more revenue. 

The following are the key elements of a well-defined sales process:

  • Leads - In this stage, the idea is to collect as many leads as you can. You can collect details like name, email, mobile number, designation, organization name, address, etc. The more effort you invest at this stage, the easier the next steps will be.
  • Evaluate Leads - Let's be honest - you cannot vouch for the authenticity of each bit of information you get in lead generation. In this step, you need to find which leads are worthy of your efforts. You can evaluate parameters like the lead's willingness, interests, and decision-making ability.
  • Assess Needs - Once you are certain that the leads are worth your effort, the next step is to identify their needs and match products that suit their needs. Keep the value-for-money aspect in mind to increase customer loyalty.
  • Negotiate - Negotiation is a critical part of any healthy sales process. Your sales executives have to be careful while negotiating, as any miscommunication may lead to loss of business or loss of revenue.
  • Close the Lead - This is the reward for the hard work you have put in. Ensure that the terms are the same as negotiated. 

Having a formally defined sales strategy can increase your revenue by 18%. Hence, designing a functional sales process should be the first thing to cross off your list to generate organic leads.

2. Devise Inbound and Outbound Marketing Strategies

When you look for ways to grow your business, you must devise a strategy that automatically and consistently generates leads. Inbound and outbound marketing are some of the simplest lead generation strategies. 

Inbound Marketing

In Inbound Marketing, you attract leads to your company's website through information shared on your website or various third-party websites. You can create an inbound marketing strategy with content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing.

Content marketing enables you to promote your unique business ideas and pull the crowd. SEO helps you move up in search engine rankings and be more visible. As your visibility grows, so does the business.

Social media sites are emerging as hot destinations for lead generation. Pick a target audience and catch their attention with interesting content or videos on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Outbound Marketing

In Outbound Marketing, you send the sales executives to meet the target audience and discuss plans. You can create an outbound marketing strategy with cold calling, direct sales, and promotional events.

Through cold calling, your sales executives call qualified leads and pitch their services and products. In direct sales, the sales representative visits qualified leads directly and promotes their products and services. Several big brands organize promotional events like trade fairs, seminars, conferences, and B2B meets to expand their reach.

Having one or both marketing strategies can enhance your business prospects boost sales and revenue. 

3. Make Resources Available for Sales Professionals

You'll find many lead generation tools nowadays, but not knowing which tool fits where can result in disastrous consequences.

In the internet age and especially after COVID-19, most consumers have moved online. If you rely more on outbound marketing while overlooking inbound marketing, you might not get the desired result.

Moreover, if your inbound marketing strategy is not relevant, it may miss the target audience altogether. For instance, if you plan to target Shopify users, you need to check a comprehensive  list of Shopify stores

Hence, before devising a lead generation strategy, you must collaborate with the marketing department and make resources available for the stakeholders. For example, while creating a content marketing strategy, consider roping in a firm that specializes in content creation rather than hitting the web with poorly designed content.

4. Promote Your Business in Trade Fairs and Seminars

Trade fairs and seminars are some foolproof ways to grow your business. The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) found that 81% of the people who attend a trade fair have buying authority. 

Once you generate organic leads through trade fairs and seminars, the next step is to follow up with them to ensure you stay relevant. The more visible you are to your customers, the higher are the chances of conversion.

5. Establish a Sales Automation Mechanism

AI-powered customer support is reshaping the way businesses approach lead generation, so consider jumping on the automation bandwagon and reap the benefits.

Sales automation simplifies lead conversion, customer retention and promotes personalized customer interactions. Aberdeen found that sales automation can lead to a 107% higher conversion rate and 40% higher deal size.

Hence, automating the sales process is a crucial lead generation tool that must capture a prominent spot in your lead generation strategies. 

6. Identify Your Niche and Market

Customers like to associate with brands that have the edge over others. It is vital to differentiate your business from the rest. Devise a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) if you do not have one.

For example, instead of targeting multiple categories of customers, you can select one category, such as high net-worth individuals or the mid-income segment, and market your business. However, when you target a specific segment, you need to have expertise in that segment. 

Once you have finalized the USP, market it to your inbound and outbound leads to enhance your business prospects.

7. Earn a Competitive Edge

While it is easy to confuse this step with the USP, having an edge means something more than the USP. Your USP is what brings the customers to you; having an edge means what they get after coming to you.

For example, a logistics company will have an edge if they manage the entire process by themselves - that is, without involving a third party. Whether it is seller services or inventory management, purchase management, or inbound shipping, the more services you offer, the better are the chances of lead conversion. 

Hence, spend some time creating a complete list of services you offer and discover the value that your business will offer to the customer.

To Conclude

Generating leads can be easy when you have an eCommerce website list at your disposal and the steps are sorted. When you have the right approach, you can successfully attract leads and convert them to grow your business.

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